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Showing posts from June, 2019

Struggling with roof tiles

New experience Making a study of a view from my attic window. Never tried this before. Maybe later I will make a larger version of it. Finding the right colours and structure for painting the roof tiles is a challenge indeed. Roofs of Hollum, acrylic, paperboard, approximately 20 x 9 cm.

Going on

Another miniature This turned out to be fun. Tried landscape again. This time it is the view of the village where I live. The photograph I took a while ago, has been of much help. Hollum, acrylic, paperboard, approximately 5 x 12 cm.

Going smaller

The first miniature Inspired by the tropical weather last weekend, I have tried now to paint a sea landscape. Something I wouldn't normally want to paint. Well, here it is. Remembering our Normandy holidays, let's call it A Channel Beach. A Channel Beach, acrylic, paperboard, approximately 12 x 5 cm.