Void Our hands' expressions move on with time and progress. Some gestures we can easily recognise now didn't even exist a decade ago. Take for instance this setup that you may often see on social media; taking a selfie in the mirror. (Who didn't do that, I do, too!) Depending on the size of the phone or camera, one uses one or both hands to take a picture and post it in their profile. What do you see there? Sometimes perhaps nothing but ego or vanity, or even emptiness sometimes. I often first see the hands, and sometimes those hands are the only things that remain there, especially if those are of nice esthetics. The rest is just void. It's like some sort of vanitas. Fun! I've just tried ChatGPT for the first time and sent the above text to the almighty AI in the clouds. Here is their response: " You make a valid point about the potential for selfies taken in the mirror to be seen as a display of ego or vanity. The act of taking a photograph of oneself and ...
It's where Valta sometimes posts stories about his paintings.