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Showing posts from February, 2023

Daffodils for Annet

  A still life for a change Lifting up a friend recovering from surgery is a good opportunity to paint flowers.  Just finished this alla prima little painting with daffodils from the garden. Put in an old Mobach jar they looked lovely on a sunlit windowsill in our kitchen. That's how I got the idea of this little present.   I hope Annet likes the painting. I will give it to her and her husband Ben as soon as it is touch-dry.  View the finished painting in  my gallery .

You'll Get Over It

  What could possibly happen? Something tragic, I assume. I am sure you can imagine dozens of situations where this setting could be possible. Regret, revelation, anger, shock, despair, compassion, support, consolation, reassurance, forgiveness, unbelief, doubt, fear... All of these might apply to the people in this painting. And all these are actually expressed with hands. And there will be nothing of these when you think those hands away, I'm afraid.   This is another small one in my series Hands' Private Life. I painted it all prima with my limited palette of Burnt sienna, Ultramarine blue, Yellow ochre, Cadmium red and Titanium white. As reference, I used the photographs Paul and myself took of me and my hands, in four different settings.    While thinking about how to name this piece, with my music on, the Legacy by PSB suddenly started to playback. The lyrics were so true, my mood was quite down, and the title was chosen. (And first I was thinking of calli...


  ... and proud What a good feeling it is to find a fresh copy of De Amelander in the mailbox on Sunday morning. Especially when there is a beautifully written article about you in it. I am really happy and appreciate this so much.

Going Out

Breaking rules What could possibly be the story of this painting? There is nothing more than a pair of male hands buckling a monk straps shoe. Still, an attentive viewer familiar with etiquette and dress codes will notice that there are a few things that don't go by the rules. Considering this person is going out and not in the countryside, could you tell what this person is not doing quite right? A little clue: time  and  colour.   Anyway, I enjoyed painting this, playing with perspective, light and texture. I believe I was able to capture the beautiful effect of suede quite well. (And I love my monk straps!)  View the finished painting in  my gallery .

Finished Book

Every book has an end Sometimes they say human life is like a book. This reader has finished the journey of the book and has closed its cover for the final time. View the finished painting in  my gallery .