Back to the landscape I usually take my dog, Chester , for a morning walk just outside our village, towards the east where the road to the rest of the world begins. The beautiful wild meadows offer a different setting every morning, with horses and sheep on the right and sometimes cows on the left. Various birds can be spotted, and the sky above is always different, ranging from calm to heavily dramatic as the weather shifts rapidly on our island. One recent high summer morning, Chester and I walked there. The upcoming sun was gently kissing the backs and flanks of the village cows reclining tranquilly in the meadow, as heavy rain clouds drifted away to the east, revealing the sunlit clear sky and promising a lovely summer day. That's what I wanted to capture in a painting. Let's call it the "Cows of Hollum". Oil on canvas 30 x 50 cm, alla prima, limited palette. View the finished painting in my gallery .
It's where Valta sometimes posts stories about his paintings.