Coincidences do not exist. Not even in Denmark. It was meant to be another painting for my series Hands' Private Life, as I wanted to make a study after a masterpiece by Antonio Mancini depicting a sewing woman, backlit. Mancini could put her hand on the canvas unmistakably right with just a few impressionistic brush strokes - we immediately recognise what she is doing. My goal was to make my own version, accentuating the hand while maintaining Mancini's light and the woman's posture. Initially, I planned to set a scene in a grey-blue-red interior, using the interior of our kitchen with a window behind her. However, neither the hand nor the overall composition came together as I had hoped, leading me to wipe the painting off mid-progress and start over. In my second attempt, I decided to focus on the figure, first working out the face and the hand. At that point, I wasn't sure about the overall composition yet. Then I found some photos I had taken last autumn ...
It's where Valta sometimes posts stories about his paintings.